Modern marketing

The Blog

Review & Pivot

Review & Pivot

Choose to review and pivot to:
• Achieve your dreams and create business success
• Improve marketing outcomes
• Maintain your uniqueness, pivoting as you need to
• Celebrate goal achievement

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Unique Funnels

Unique Funnels

Choose unique funnels to:
• Connect to your customers’ forthcoming journey with your business
• Move your customers through the funnel by understanding them
• Earn trust and respect by nurturing your customers
• Be present with yourself, business and customer
• Develop customer loyalty by showing gratitude

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Authentic Campaigns

Authentic Campaigns

Choose authentic campaigns to:
• Showcase your authenticity and build trust through the power of story
• Manage your digital marketing consistently
• Find pleasure in planning to overcome procrastination
• Develop a growth mindset

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Dynamic Strategy

Dynamic Strategy

Choose dynamic strategy to:
• Create positive, progressive goals
• Achieve balance
• Connect you, your business and your customers through on-point and
authentic branding
• Realise the importance of taking action and understanding the source
of procrastination

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Savvy Research

Savvy Research

Choose savvy research to:
• Create a purpose-driven business
• Be unique in the way you show up
• Attract your ideal customer
• Develop trust in yourself, allowing you to be the best version of YOU

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Planning for Success

Planning for Success

Adapted from authentic, dynamic, savvy: Modern marketing for business success by Rachel Allan Every entrepreneur wants success in their business. However, success does not happen overnight, and you will have failures along the way. That is business and the life of an...

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The problem with blockages

The problem with blockages

If you desire a certain type of success, and you don’t feel like you are progressing towards it – you need to ask – what am I doing in my business that is stopping that?

Effective marketing makes money

Effective marketing makes money

You need to be savvy with your marketing spend – simply splashing money around at different platforms, or with a variety of experts is not always going to be effective, and it won’t help you achieve your goals.

Review & Pivot

Review & Pivot

Choose to review and pivot to:
• Achieve your dreams and create business success
• Improve marketing outcomes
• Maintain your uniqueness, pivoting as you need to
• Celebrate goal achievement

Unique Funnels

Unique Funnels

Choose unique funnels to:
• Connect to your customers’ forthcoming journey with your business
• Move your customers through the funnel by understanding them
• Earn trust and respect by nurturing your customers
• Be present with yourself, business and customer
• Develop customer loyalty by showing gratitude

Authentic Campaigns

Authentic Campaigns

Choose authentic campaigns to:
• Showcase your authenticity and build trust through the power of story
• Manage your digital marketing consistently
• Find pleasure in planning to overcome procrastination
• Develop a growth mindset

Dynamic Strategy

Dynamic Strategy

Choose dynamic strategy to:
• Create positive, progressive goals
• Achieve balance
• Connect you, your business and your customers through on-point and
authentic branding
• Realise the importance of taking action and understanding the source
of procrastination

Savvy Research

Savvy Research

Choose savvy research to:
• Create a purpose-driven business
• Be unique in the way you show up
• Attract your ideal customer
• Develop trust in yourself, allowing you to be the best version of YOU


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